Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 1-3 Werktage
- Artikel-Nr.: UCMRINTLOC
Includes: Trocar, Cannula, Obturator and Needle Guide Block
5 units per package
For the use with:
The SenoMark UltraCor MRI is designed to be conveniently placed following an EnCor MRI vacuum-assisted biopsy procedure to mark the biopsy cavity. Alternatively, SenoMark UltraCor MRI, when combined with its own unique introducer set, can be used to independently mark suspicious lesions in an MRI setting. SenoMark deploys ultrasound visible pads which allow you to mark the lesion in the MRI suite and then easily target it at a later time using ultrasound or x-ray in the comfort of the physician's office. The SenoMark UltraCor MRI features a longer length allowing for placement through the introducer set in the MRI grid.
The SenoMark UltraCor MRI (stainless steel or titanium) wireform is embedded in a PGA microfiber pad and comes in M or X shapes.
Compatible with 13 Gauge coaxial cannulas or use through needle track after probe is removed.
Product information: